Saturday, 19 January 2008

Home Sweet Home

Here I am, back to my hometown again. As usual, the activities when I go home for weekends are going out for breakfast and chatting happily with my family, enjoying meals prepared by mummy, going to night market with sis at Saturday night etc. I guess I can't stay in KL longer than 2 weeks, haha...I need a break from the "Great White Tower"...My lovely home is the place where I can recharge myself. Don't know why, I tend to stay away from the "GWT" during weekends, because as a student, I think weekends are weekends and are meant for us to take a break from it, so that we become a better person when we go back to it at the beginning of a new week(maybe it's just an excuse for a not-so-hardworking student like me), hehe...


Anonymous said...



haha... finally can back home eat delicous food made by mummy
n listen 2 a lot of hot news...

Su Xuan said... good in keeping secrets, anything pls update me ya, hehe...

Anonymous said...

wu...weekdays for me is to finish lab reports n homework....weekends for me is to finish lab reports(mai wuan mai le)n assignment n study!!!!