今天凌晨和朋友喝茶后回宿舍途中看见天上有蛮多星星,蛮开心,因为我在KL很少看到星星。可是回到房间,从窗口望出去,却只看到一颗星星,还有那‘闪烁’着的KL Tower。原来多数的星星都在屋顶上那边的天空,所以不走出去,或者走出去要是没仰望天空都不会看到它们。果然这句话没错:Stars are not always seen but always there. 就好比关心和爱你的人,其实他们一直都在,虽然不常见面。 我最怀念的星空是中学时期与好友们在Tapah camp site看到的那一片星空,甚至还看到流星(如果没看错啦),哈哈。。。还有就是在海边的星空也不错。Don McLean的“Vincent”,是本人喜爱的歌曲之一,本来只觉得好听,过后才发现原来这首歌的创作灵感是取自某名画家,更让我对这首歌百听不厌。第一句歌词就写到Vincent van Gogh的著作之一:"Starry Starry Night"
Haha...i like this song too. It is very meaningful. Sufes camp...haha...sweet memory!!! I miss day when everyone is around. I m coming back to gather with u all...pls wait for me...
"Stars are not always seen,but always there"...that's great that u got the meaning,haha..."stary stary night",what a wonderful song...may u find ur guiding star in ur life!
(im anonymous 2...just wan to differentiate fr "i noe who" anonymous 1)ya....i totally agree wif u....the xin kong in sufes campsite is the most beautiful scene tat i hav ever c...not onli bcoz of the xin kong...but oso bcoz all of u were there to accompany me...i noe there wont b 2nd chance...u noe i noe...sumbody maynot b there for us alr....aihh reli xin tong
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