Saturday, 29 December 2007


The Love of Sand

循众要求(其实是循某人要求),写了这篇心得,哈哈... 二十多岁了,学老人家话斋,好命的都已做了孩子的爸妈啦,哈哈...根据众多身边的朋友的经验之谈,集合了本世纪到了适婚年龄却还是单身贵族的种种原因。
3a) 异性缘太好:很多异性朋友,可是都被当成‘姐妹'(如果你是男的)或‘兄弟’(如果你是女的)。
7) 搭错线:A喜欢B,B喜欢C,C喜欢D,D却喜欢A,总之就是乱到完啦。 歌都有得唱啦-我爱的人不是我的爱人~。

好了,暂时写到这里为止,有觉得哪一个原因好像在说着你吗?哈哈... 其实还有很多原因,下次再写吧。

Thursday, 27 December 2007


We tend to take things for granted. Every moment we're breathing in and out and we aren't really aware of it because it's just so easy for us. However, seeing people having difficulty in breathing, gasping for breath, breathing through oxygen mask reminds me of how lucky one is, when breathing is just a simple action done every moment without much or even a slight awareness of it...

Tuesday, 25 December 2007


Things just always happen unexpectedly. Life is full of surprises. Sometimes there are things that u'd never want it to happen to u but somehow it happens and these uncertainties are so beautiful. Seeing how things happen to friends around me make me think of the last sentence of this paragraph from one of my favourite books by 几米(向左走向右走)。
They're both convinced that a sudden passion joined them.
Such certainty is beautiful,but uncertainty is more beautiful still.
摘译自辛波丝卡(Wislawa Szymborska)"Love at First Sight"第一段

Monday, 24 December 2007

The Joy of Sharing

I shared my mum's homemade banana walnut cake with others in the BF gathering yesterday. In such a short time, only 1 piece or 2 was left. Although I did not eat much, but I felt happy because 1) I was proud of my mom's baking skill, hehe... 2) the feeling of sharing was great. It's true that the more you give, the more you get. Just by sharing some 'little' things with others can bring so much joy.

Sunday, 23 December 2007


Yesterday I watched 十分红演唱会 broadcasted live by NTV7 n 2 of my favourite female artists were there - Penny Tai n Stephanie Sun. Penny was so cool, playing guitar, singing songs composed by herself. How I wish my skill in playing guitar will improve day by day(a beginner like me should seek help from someone 'professional', hehe...) I was especially touched when I watched Stephanie Sun singing 'What I Miss'(我怀念的), cos I could really feel that she's singing from deep inside her heart, just like telling a story of her own. I think a singer is considered successful when her songs touch people's heart. Well done, Yanzi, u're 1 of the great singers that touches my heart with uncountable great songs...

Saturday, 22 December 2007

Winter Solstice

Today is Dong Zhi, which is an important festival of the Chinese calendar. I found out something about it from a website(Discover HongKong) and I particularly like the last 2 sentences of this paragraph:
It is celebrated on the longest night of the year, when sunshine is weakest and daylight is shortest. This celebration can be traced to the Chinese belief in yin and yang, which represents balance and harmony in life. It is believed that the yin qualities of darkness and cold are at their most powerful at this time, but it is also the turning point, giving way to the light and warmth of yang. For this reason, the Dong Zhi Festival is a time for optimism.
I'm glad that I'm home to celebrate this festival. We had a family reunion dinner yesterday(earlier), eating Tang Yuan together(although baby Ee Shuen can't eat Tang Yuan yet this year, hehe....)

Friday, 21 December 2007


The Dry Leaf


Sunday, 16 December 2007



Tuesday, 11 December 2007



Friday, 7 December 2007



Monday, 3 December 2007

another haircut

I went for a haircut(again?). Since when I've started to get my hair cut(or trimmed actually) around every 2 months? If not mistaken it's during 2nd year, when I'd decided that I would only keep my hair at shoulder length, not too long and not too short. The feeling after a haircut is great because I feel 'lighter' as I feel like something that have been troubling me(三千丝烦恼) are being sent away(although it may just be temporary). People always get themselves burdened in all aspects of life eg. relationships, studies, career etc. As in Eason's song: 你的背包,让我走得好缓慢. That's why we have to learn to throw away the unnecessary burdens in our lives that cause our pace slow so that we can keep on walking and live our lives to the fullest. It's easier said than done, let's gambatte together!

Sunday, 2 December 2007


Yeah, I'm having my holiday now after my Medicine n Society posting. Although it's only for 1 week, i'm glad that it is at the same time with the end sem holidays of my friends in local U. Hopefully I can meet as many friends as possible.

Saturday, 1 December 2007


